Friday 22 November 2013

#32 Christmas is coming & the goose is getting fat & so is the wife! (I'm sure I'll get a slap for this title)

14th November 2013. 

I've meaning to start this blog post for a few days now, but I'm far too lazy, well that's not strictly true. I've actually been kinda busy decorating the entire world, or do it seems. Next stop: the the former junk room, soon to be nursery. 
The reason for the mad decorating spree... As of Saturday just gone, we are on the final countdown (cue cheesy 80's rock anthem) yeah that's right, we hit the milestone of 9 week remaining. 
To celebrate that milestone I've started freaking out & grinding my teeth again, why? I don't really know. I mean, I know my life is about to change on a major scale, but I thought I was genuinely ready to embrace it, pick up the ball & run with it, but my old friend self doubt seems to be back in town, I hate that bastard! 

Libby had an appointment last week with her gynae consultant last week to conclude the journey on infertility road, but they haven't signed us off because they're still unsure whether this is an IVF baby of  not, due to the fact that the date of embryo transfer & the midwife's estimated date of natural conception are so close to each other. It's been suggested to us that we have a sizing scan at 32 week (this coming Monday) & again at 36 week. Even though it doesn't matter either way, we're going to go ahead with the scans just so we get to see our Wiggle again. 
Most people only get 2 scans at 12 & 20 weeks, so we're kinda lucky that these will be our 4th & 5th

22nd November

The scan was pretty straight forward, thankfully there was nothing on show that might spoil the gender surprise. Well actually there was absolutely nothing on show, Wiggle wasn't playing nice, & decided after a hard day if kicking the crap out of Libby, it was time for a hard earned rest & got curled up in a ball. Which made the sonographer'a job a tad impossible. He could only take rough estimates as to size & weight, but based on previous information from the midwife, he was fairly sure it's slightly bigger than average & possible weighs about 5lb already. So it's either going to be an enormous baby, or as we've suspected all along, that this is the frozen embryo we had implanted in back in March. 
Hopefully the next scan will be able to confirm things

At least I'm prepared if it comes early, the  Nursery is nearly finished, then I can start decorating the stairs... Never ending decorating YAY!!!

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