Monday, 18 March 2013

#22 Trying to think of a title is hard

March 4th 2013
We never thought for one minute we’d ever be eagerly anticipating the start of a monthly bleed, especially With the fact that endometriosis & irregular periods has pretty much meant a lot of unwanted bleeding & misery over the last 10+ years. 
As soon as her cycle starts, she can start the Climoval to prepare the lady bits for the FET (Frozen embryo transfer)

I appear to be in the doghouse right now. My band have got a last minute gig booked for around the time we'll be having the FET, & to add insult to injury, it's also on the day of Libby's birthday, As much as I hate pulling out of playing live (I've never done it...I leave that unprofessional people) I'm going to have to bow out, as much as music is my life, my wife & a chance of completing my family have priority over everything. Thankfully the lads are quite an understanding bunch & are going to do a stripped down performance without this balding noise addict hitting things at the back... so yeah my life has been spared & my marriage is saved

March 9th 2013
As luck would have it we've managed to get an appointment sorted at CARE for the Monday after Libby's birthday & i've been given the go ahead to make noise with the band, to save them from being unrehearsed & on the chaotic side, now it's going to be unrehearsed ... but great fun all the same

March 10th 2013
It's safe to say the combination of meds/endo/period, hasn't really agreed with Libby much this week. It's horrible seeing her in pain & unhappy, but you have to keep telling yourself it's all means to an end & it's what we want, no matter how horrible things get.
I wish more people would understand how painful & emotionally draining IVF & infertility in general is. & that it isn't just a quick fix solution to not being able to conceive. Once again i've had the 'if the ivf doesn't work, it'll happen naturally in it's own time' Yes this might be the case for some people, but not for us, we can't conceive for medical reasons. 
Also, this last week or so that things have been up in the air with the band, i've ended up losing my temper with someone I used to consider a close friend. He was due to help out for the gig i wasn't going to do, but now because I am doing it, he was felt the need to have a pathetic dig at me, for inconveniencing him & wasted his Thursday night because he had to rehearse when it wasn't required.
Well i'm so sorry that my future is less important that your couple of hours on a thursday night.
The reason i wasn't going to do it was my wife might need to take it easy & be stress free, because she could be carrying my freshly implanted child. So because we're not at the clinic until after the gig, I thought i'd be a good mate & help out by doing what mates do. Only to be vilified ...Gee thanks!

March 17th 2013I did the gig last night & it was awesome, the best yet. but my 'mate' who caused the previous rant, STILL doesn't get it & felt the need to have another dig, but this time for losing my temper. One upon a time he's have admitted he was wrong an apologise, strange how people change isn't it.
It seems to me people who don't understand or are ignorant towards IVF & the baggage that comes with it, are the people who don't seem to have a problem having children?

March 18th 2013
Today is a day of firsts, We set off early & we're actually half an hour early for an appointment. Shame that it was in vein, for the first time ever we have been kept waiting 45 minutes to see the nurse. DAMMIT! Typical huh? #note to self...Don't be organised, chaos is much better
Libby is not happy about the fact that the need to take blood as well as being probed in places that most people wouldn't be probed if they had the choice.
It's seems seems that the meds have had the desired effect & it's looking good, but it also looks like it's had a undesired effect too... the return of the ovarian cyst, but this time it's roughly 1cm bigger than before, which could explain a lot of the pain that Libby has been getting.
So now we're just waiting to find out what the blood results have to say & I'm just hoping this cyst doesn't delay things again. If not we could be looking at later this week for the transfer.

On a very rare occasion public transport hasn't let me down (another 1st) I was back home for 10.30, If i'd have known I'd have been back this early I could have still gone to work after all, so I thought i'd do the right thing & call in to see if there was anything i could help out with, & also inform my manager that i may need another day off this week.
I've previously mentioned how good she's been with me needing time off, so i was actually expecting the same treatment. but NO, not this time, I was told there was no chance at all, because there was no one to cover & then made to feel guilty for needing time off. The problem is I don't have an option, I have to be there, or the procedure won't go ahead, & that's clinic policy. 
But I'm told there is an option & it involve's jeopardising my long term happiness & going to work. SOOOO, I told her, that this is more important than any job & if it come's to it, I will quit my job & walk out. I can always find other work, The way i see it is, I work to live, not live to work

We should hear in the next 40 minutes what the blood results are, & also find out whether or not in need to start looking for anther job

.....& the results are in!
It's looking like I don't need to quit my job just yet. The embryologist will defrost the embies on Monday 25th & we're booked in for 13.30 


1 comment:

  1. I have just spent the last hour and a half catching up on your blogs. I'm stuck in bed with my pain problems yet again so what better way to distract myself from my own suffering? Mine are minimal compared to what you and Libby are going through. You have made me laugh and made me cry buckets. Half a box of tissues later...I just want to say I admire you both for everything you have gone through and for being there for each other, and not giving up. I really hope the FET works and I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you both. Take care
    Linz x
