Hi, me again. Although a little less stressed...for now. Welcome to the last chapter in this fucked up rollercoaster of a journey.
This will be our third & final funded cycle of IVF, & as there is no way on gods green earth we could afford to pay to continue the journey, this is where it will come to a definite end, so it had better work, or else... Or else what I have no idea. Who am I even threatening? God? myself? Libby? Mrs Smith at No42? Answers on a postcard to the usual address
"I can see clearly, now the rain has gone"
Sorry to quote the old Jimmy Cliff song, but it's kinda relevant to how the last attempt ended. I know this might sound strange (it does to me) but I felt strangely relieved when the FET (frozen embryo transfer) failed, it was like I could breath for the first time in weeks, & thinking straight was pure bliss.Don't get me wrong, I was truly gutted, but my head was so messed up, that it had overshadowed everything else.
I wish the clinic offer more in the way of psychological support, because I need it from time to time...well more often than not, Yes i'm unstable. There I said it.
I had convinced myself that that was the end, I couldn't put myself through the mental torture again, & worst of all I couldn't bare to see Libby bring reduced to another physical & emotional wreck again. Maybe I was just fooling myself because I want to be a father so bad, I want to make my wife, my angel the best & proudest mother on the planet. I wish the clinic offer more in the way of psychological support, because I need it from time to time...well more often than not, Yes i'm unstable. There I said it.
It's so hard to just walk away from something that you want (need) so bad, even though it might never happen. I went to bed on that thought & woke up the next day with a newfound determination to give this our last & best shot. After all it's better to try & fail than to not try at all. But this time failure is not an option, I'm in it to win it. Positivity town ... Here I come!
Soooooo! We were back at the clinic today, & it was nothing much to write home about, not an entire waste of time.We're looking at starting again at the beginning of June with everything the same as the original fresh cycle, lots of drugs, needles & the complete breakdown of my wife. But we're going with that approach, because the result from that time round were beyond our expectations, with the exception of the fact that the embryo had to be removed in surgery.
We got talking about the ectopic pregnancy that ended our first cycle & something was mentioned that had never been mentioned before, or at least not mentioned in my presence. That libby has Pelvic inflammatory disease & this could cause another ectopic, but it can be controlled with drugs
So I did some research (never a good thing) & to my dismay, I found out it's actually could be the route cause of all of this. Weirdly we've bloods & other bodily fluids taken over the years & there has never been any sign of an STI whatsoever this just confuses my totally.
But whether that is that case & whether or not it is my fault, what's done is done & I can't let it cloud my will to make this cycle work