Monday, 10 September 2012

#7. Drugs & sex, but no Rock & roll!


We've a special delivery .... A large consignment of drugs & syringes! And the very thought sends shivers down my spine.
We have:
Suprecur - A hormone suppressant, Injected daily for 3 weeks
Menopur - To stimulate egg production, injected daily, alongside the Suprecur, on the 3rd week.
Apparently this drug causes what can be described as a 'mini menopause' (now that's a scary term)
Ovitrelle  - To stimulate egg maturity, A one off injection when advised by clinic depending on the results of a scan & blood test, which will take place on the 18th of this month. If this injection is done wrong, the whole process will have been in vein, because it will not work (Hmmmm no pressure there then) Thankfully more needle training will be given at the next appointment. I don't have to go to this, but I want to, I'm determined to be a part of the whole process. AND as added bonus, it means getting another day off work, plus more stuff for me to write about.

I had no idea what to expect from the forthcoming transformation of my wife into a pin cushion.
It was explained in great detail  by our nurse, but it didn't register, Another case of being blinded by science. So I've done some research online. Normally I wouldn't take notice of 'net doctors' purely because a lot of info found on the net is badly researched & inaccurate. There's also a lot of scare stories out there.
A lot of what I've read does sound vaguely familiar, so there must be some truths in it. There is a scarily long list of potential side effects which I really wish I hadn't read. But Hey! I have now & I suppose it adds to the material I can write about. I'm kinda hoping the more worrying side effects are a worse case scenario because the thought of my wife getting a blood disorder or a decrease in bone density amongst many others is absolutely frightening. But then again if this stuff was 'bad' surely it wouldn't be prescribed to anyone, or at least there would be more warnings Arghhhhhh! now my brain is doing overtime, maybe research wasnt such a good idea after all!
I hope i'm not putting anyone off IVF here, that's the last thing I want to do. Surely any potential pains & anguish caused have got to be worth it, even if it doesn't work out. Yes I'm aware that last sentence might not make a great deal of sense. so here's my thought 'It's better to try & fail, than to not try & never know what could have been'
The scary thing about me having that thought is that there is a hope for me as a positive person <shock>


Soooo now we're on day 3 of the Suprecur, And no sign of any scary side effects, So far we've had a bit of minor bruising & swelling   & quite a bit of nausea & dizziness. But worst of all .... (wait for it) .... brittle nails, For someone who takes great pride in their fingernails & ever changing colour, this is a fate worse than death
I also read that a dry vagina is also a common side effect, but apparently it's quite the opposit. the downside of this is that I cannot take advantage of this because we've been told by our nurse to avoid getting Libby's heart rate above 140bpm ...DAMN!!!!
When Libby was on the clomid, & we had to have sex regularly, it became a massive chore, now it's the other away around & we have to avoid it, i can guarantee I/we will want it 24/7. BAH! just my luck

Just been reading through the notes we have from the clinic & the afore mentioned heart rate thing is for when the embryo(s) are implanted into the body... So that means... I can Hop on the good foot & do the bad thing (to quote Austin powers) You know what'll happen now, neither of us will be bothered or too tired. Talk about swings & roundabouts, But never say never heheh

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