It's hard to believe its been nearly two months since I last posted anything, where has time gone?
First of all, happy new year to all of you. I hope Santa has treated you well?
I don't know if its the cantankerous old man within me, but I've never really been a fan of christmas. I find, that as a celebration it's kinda lost its way, but I shan't go into that (unless you want me to)
This year (I suppose that should be last year, what with it bring January) I've decided to try make the most of it & try to be a little less anti-Christmas, or antisocial as Libby will no doubt probably tell you.
But I'll tell you what, it bloody worked. Who'd have thought that spending quality time with loved ones & friends can serve well as a distraction from miniature disasters & major catastrophe's.
For any readers that haven't being reading this blog from day one (where have you been?) me & my wife of 5 years & partner for 17 years have recently undergone our first cycle of IVF, because my wife's internal lady parts are a bit crap, This cycle had some very positive results but unfortunately ended with an ectopic pregnancy back in November
We were back at Rotherham general hospital yesterday for a follow up on the surgery that Libby had to undergo as part of removing the fallopian tube that 'Nemo' the embryo had decided to call home . We had hoped that it would be the end to the first chapter, so we could get on with the next, but annoyingly that wasn't the case at all.
We had always been led to believe that Libby had one fallopian tube that was blocked & serving no purpose, This tube could have been removed during the various medical procedures to find out what the problem is/was. This tube wasn't remove because it wasn't causing any harm.
So when we found out about the ectopic pregnancy, we assumed it was in the good tube & that was the one that was removed in the operation to remove the foetus & we have never been told anything that would make us think otherwise. Especially when you have medical professionals telling you that the procedure was a success despite the complications, the fetus & tube we're removed & it's now one less thing to go wrong in future attempts at procreating, however it can now never happen naturally. again making us think it was the good tube removed & the blocked one causing no harm.
So why during this appointment with the consultant, are we told that the ectopic was in the blocked tube & why is the good tube still in there? So when we're told it can't happen again, we find that to be nothing short of a lie or ridiculously misleading information. It can happen again.
This fills me with so much dread, I was only just getting used to the idea of starting the Ivf again & now i feel like ive been kicked in the bollocks. Not good
Luckily we managed to get an appointment at CARE at short notice thanks to a cancellation. Talk about history repeating its self, almost every appointment, either me or Libby have been late or cut it fine, It's usually me though (always) this time both of us are late thanks to the snow, well, its due to other drivers not having a clue how to drive in the snow ...says me the non driver hehehe
It's horrible been late for appointments especially when you get the feeling all the staff are looking at you disapprovingly I thought I was being paranoid, but Libby felt the same too.
I was expecting a telling off from the nurse we had the appointment with, It's not one of the usual staff from our previous appointments, so wasn't sure what to expect, Luckily she was lovely, (But most of 'em have been)
She had clearly been swotting up on our files, She knew all of Libby's 'complex' medical history leading upto where we are know, the miscarriage, the ectopic, endometriosis & everything inbetween. The solution to all these problems was simple... ''We have got to get you pregnant'' ...well that's easy for you to say, I didn't actually say that, but I wanted to. You see my confidence isn't all that high at the minute, considering the information that we got from Rotherham Hospital. I'm pessimistic at best. thankfully the nurse who I cannot remember the name of, did a pretty good job of reassuring me. Yes the worst can happen again. but the chances are slim. As they say 'lightning never strikes the same place twice'
So anyway, we're giving one of our frozen embryo's a shot. which is good because Libby doesn't have to go through all the injections again. just some pills, (Climoval, to stop the ovaries form working ...I think) plus the Utogestan pessaries that she had to take vaginally during the end stages of the previous attempt (To thicken the womb lining so the embryo can implant itself into it)
The only downside now is waiting to start, the clinic prefer to wait for three menstrual cycles to pass after a failed attempt, so the body can get back to normal (or as normal as can be). So we're looking at mid march time .... this is going to be a long wait
Ive done a fair bit of research on FET (frozen embryo transfer) & all the info i've found is really positive.
for instance frozen embryo's normally lead to health babies & the success rate is higher
The Independent
Huffington Post